Contemporary Realism

Contemporary Realism
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Film Celebrating Women Artists

ⓒ Barbara Goodsitt
36" x 50" Acrylic on Vinyl

Special video showing of Carol Morris' film "Celebrating Women Artists"on Friday, June 1, 7pm at the Ann Arbor Art Center, 117 W. Liberty St. This newly edited version of a 2007 documentary is about one of AAAC's seminal public art exhibits in which many Ann Arbor Women Artist members and Feminist Project-Michigan artists participated.  Running time: 33 minutes. In all, the 50 imaginative banners were painted by 27 women artists and one man, and displayed on lamp posts downtown.  Nineteen of the artists were interviewed in the film outside under their banners.
Curated by Christy Kelly-Bentgen, the 2006 "Off the Wall" exhibit was in conjunction with Rutger's University Feminist Art Project, and paid homage to "famous" women artists 1950-1980.
 Please note that Tomoko Ogawa, an Ann Arbor artist who was interviewed,  unexpectedly passed away a few years ago.  She was a young and gifted artist whose exceptional homage banner for Yayoi Kusama was used for the logo of the exhibit and the cover of the video.
Carol and Christy willl be at the 7:00 showing for comments. Refreshments".
~ Ann Arbor Women Artists announcement

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